Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last Minute Links!!

In addition to the link in the last post, here are a couple of other websites that you should definitely check out!

1) The UNEP website, if you haven't found it already. There's lots of information on carbon emissions / climate change in particular (click on 'climate change' and go from there)

2) The UN's Water for Life Decade page - a great resource for all things to do with water! There's background info on water usage, as well as detailed info on many water issues (use the sidebar on the left).

3) For some quick statistics on your country's water usage, you can try

4) If you're really ambitious, (or you can't fall asleep tonight), you can take a look at a UNESCO report on ' Sharing Water'. It's full of great suggestions and information, but it is a bit of a longer resource (if you scroll all the way down to the bottom there are also a bunch of recommended links to check out.)

Good Luck! See you tomorrow morning!

GREAT RESOURCE if you need last minute research!

Hey guys!

So I doubt anyone will check this but for you keeners who do....

THIS is a great website! Click on your country profile and some will have links that say "freshwater" and then a report will pop up that tells you your country's stance and what programs they are implementing and what treaties they have ratified!
