Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Endangered Products


It's short, it's not too detailed, and it's got a bit of a different focus, but, all the same, here's an article for your enjoyment, showing one of the effects of climate change on marine life (from a hungry person's view, it seems):

You'll want to scroll down to the bottom, unless you also happen to be interested in the imminent extinction of DVDs and plastic shopping bags. Anyway, why am I posting this? I want to draw your attention (as briefly as it's mentioned in this article) to the key areas of "alternatives" and "the future". Read what the author has to say, and, in your preparation, see if you can't find other similar (or not-so-similar, preferably, especially ones with more to do about climate change matters) possible solutions and roads. This will be critical in your debate for the formation of resolutions. Which reminds me, I've really got to get on posting a good example of a resolution for all y'all's. Until then, however, you can amuse yourselves by reading the rest of the above article (the part about light bulb's not too bad).

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